美國MAC電磁閥公司7月調(diào)價函內(nèi)容如下:Effective June 30 th , 2015 at 5:00 PM (EST), new price lists will go into effect (the new price lists are accessible on the WINSite under “Misc. Documents"). As you know, MAC Valves, Inc. has been very successful maintaining stable pricing over the years. In fact, with the exception of valves listed on our “Price B" list, this is the third general price increase for the balance of our product line since January 1 st ,2006, nine and a half years ago. We design with cost in mind. We continually invest in new machinery, automation, and processes to reduce costs while improving quality. We search out high quality, low cost suppliers around the globe. In spite of these efforts, and in light of rising costs of business (such as health care), we occasionally find ourselves with no alternative but to raise prices, as we do now. The majority of the price increases average 3.5% to 3.8%.
型號 | 111B-121JB | 111B-503JD | 111B-611JB | 111B-612BAAA | 113B-154BAAA | 113B-611JJ | 117B-111JD | 117B-501B-AAA | 1307G-501D-2 | 1337G-501D-25 | 224B-521JJ DC24V | 225B-111B-AAA | 225B-111CAAA(MODIF:0532) | 225B-121CAAA | 250B-111JA | 250B-117AAAA | 250B-501JA | 34B-L00-GEMC-1KA | 34B-L00-GFGA-IKA | 34B-N00-GDNC-1KT | 3-AAA-DACA-2BA | 3-AAA-DDAJ-1JD | 3-AAA-DDCC-1BK | 3-AAB-DDFA-1BA | 3-ACA-DAAJ-1KA | 3-ACA-DABA-2BA | 3-BOO-DDAA-1BA | 3-BOO-DDAJ-1KJ | 3-SCC-DDAA-1BA 24V | 3-SCC-DFFJ-2KJ | 36A-SCC-JDA0-1KA 24VDC | 411A-DOA-DM-DDAJ-1JB | 411A-D0A-DM-DDAA-1BA | 411A-D0A-DM-DDAJ-1KD | 411A-DDA-DM-DDFJ-1JM | 413A-OOA-DM-DJBJ-1KA | 414A-DOD-DM-DDAA-1BA | 421A-D0A-DM-DDAJ-1KD | 42A-AMA-ANA-GAA5-1DD | 4-AA1-DAAA-1BA | 4-AA1-DDAJ-OKJ(MODIF:4872) | 4-AA1-DDFA-1BA | 4-AC1-DDFJ-1KJ | 4-B00-DDAA-1BA | 4-BC1-DAAJ-1KA | 4-L00-DAAJ-2KJ | 4-L00-DDAJ-2KJ9 24V | 4-SC1-DDJA-1BA | 46A-LSA-AC-JDCP-1FA | PME-501JJ | 51D-13-111CA | 52A-11-BOA-DM-DDAJ-IJM 24VDC | 52A-11-BOB-DM-DFFB-2BA | 55B-12-PI-121CA | 55B-12-RA | 55B-22-RA | 56C-12-111C AC110V | 56C-87-RA | 57D-13-111CA | 57D-16-111JA | 57D-32-611CA | 57D-73-111BA | 58C-82-RA | 58D-31-111CA=(MODIF:2255) | 58D-51-RA | 58D-74-501JA | 59B-16-501JA | 59B-52-RA | 6223C-511-PM-611DA | 6341D-315-PM-111DA | 6533B-000-PM-111DA | 6533B-511-PM-111DA | 6633A-361-PM-501DA | 711C-12-PI-611CA | 712C-12-PI-506AA | 811C-PM-121JM-152 | 811c-pm122jc-173 | 811C-PM-501JJ-152 | 811C-PM-611BA-155 | 825C-PM-501BA-552 | 82A-AC-BKA-TM-DAAP-1DA | 82A-AD-CAA-TU-DEEP-2DA; | 912B-PM-111CA 25TO 150PSI | 912B-PM-121CA\DN6 | 916B-PM-121BA | 916B-PM-122BA | 92B-AAB-BJ1-DP-DDDP-1DM(MODIF:1705) | 92B-AAB-BN1-DP-DDDP-1DM(MODIF:1705) | 92B-AAB-CJ3-DM-DFFP-1DN | 92B-AAB-CJA-DM-DDAP-IDM-L120 | DMB-DDAA-1BA | DM-DDA-1JB | MA1003 | MV-A1C-A111-PM121JB | MV-A1C-A111-PP-121JC | MV-A2B-A111-PM-111JF | MV-A2B-A141-PM-111JF | MV-A2B-A232-PM-111JF | PEM-111JA | PME-111CAAA 120/60 110/50 | PME-121CCAA | PME-691DAAG | PPC5C-AAA-BGCB-BBA-B0 24VDC | PRA1A-GADA | TU-DFFP-2DA; 24V; 2,4W |